It’s all about EPM

Postado em: 8 de junho de 2018 | EPM

Davidson Panis Kaseker*


The challenge of restructuring Itapeva’s Historical Museum (Museu Histórico de Itapeva) was the reason that brought me for the first time, in 2010, to the Encontro Paulista de Museus (EPM). For some circumstance, which I honestly can’t bring myself to remember, I wasn’t able to take part in the first edition, in 2009. At the time, I was the municipal secretary, and, in this condition, I followed the Culture and Tourism’s public policies agenda. Since then, I took part in all the following Encontros. Firstly, as region hub representative, then, from 2011, already as Sorocaba’s RA (Administrative Region) Regional Representative, and, since 2013, as SISEM’s director, acting in the event’s organization. Therefore, I experienced the EPM for at least three different angles: as audience, as partner and as co-responsible for its production and organization.

In the beginning, when the possibility of gathering hundreds of countryside, coast and capital professionals was already a conquer, the sharing of anguishes reached relevance, which not only produced a cathartic effect but also encouraged the discussion of mitigative measures of the huge difficulties faced in different scales by most of the museums.

Niemeyer’s boldness, the artistic presentations’ vibration and the delicious Abaçaí’s cooking, under Toninho Macedo’s directorship, composed the irresistibly pleasant feeling of welcoming. Along with the specialists’ deliveries, this ambience expressed the appreciation and the recognition of workers who act day after day overcoming obstacles and adversities of every kind. After the fire that occurred in the Memorial, EPM took different places and experienced different formats. The discussions evolved towards the construction of public policies, expanding borders through partnerships with national and international institutions. The organization of the event itself, always shared with ACAM Portinari’s team, expanded its participative character, counting on partners’ contributions, which enhanced it even more.

Along the way – I can testify through multiple views – EPM was consolidated as a moment of exchanging experiences between professionals and researchers, a place of debate about public policies and challenges faced by the contemporaneity. No wonder EPM has become a reference for museums in Sao Paulo, and in Brazil as a whole. However, what is more important is that, in its tenth edition, EPM continues to be expected for thousands of participants as a place for seeing old friends, an opportunity of meeting new friends and, finally, a moment to celebrate the affection and the respect for the metier of those who have the task and commitment of mobilizing the memory as a source for social transformation.

Long live EPM

* Davidson Panis Kaseker is a master in Museology by the University of Sao Paulo (USP). Specialized in Administration and Tourism, he acted as Municipal Secretariat for Culture and Tourism in Itapeva. He also acted as Sorocaba’s RA (Administrative Region) Regional Representative. Member of the Brazilian Association for Ecomuseums and Community Museums (ABREMC). Since 2013 he works as GTC-SISEM-SP’s director.

Versão em inglês feita por Carol Romão – professora de inglês, revisora e tradutora. Contato:

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